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Guns have become "deadly toys" for American children

Views: 1     Author: doris zhang     Publish Time: 2022-05-19      Origin: Site

Guns have become "deadly toys" for American children

In the past year, gun violence incidents occurred frequently in the United States. According to the statistics of the website of the American non-profit organization "gun violence archives" (GVA), as of December 31, 2021, 44750 people in the United States had died of gun violence, the highest since the website had data records.

It is worth noting that the number of gun related deaths of children and adolescents in the United States is also extremely alarming. According to GVA statistics, more than 1500 children and adolescents under the age of 18 died of shooting (excluding suicide) in 2021, compared with about 1380 in 2020. Although the proportion of children killed by shooting is far lower than that of adults, the sharp rise in the number does reflect another problem that can not be ignored under the haze of gun violence in the United States.

Toddlers will touch loaded and unlocked guns in a corner of their home; Teenagers are getting kits for making "ghost guns" through the Internet; Middle school students also began to carry pistols for the purpose of protecting themselves... At an age that should have been protected, the proliferation of guns in the United States makes it easier for children and teenagers to come into contact with "deadly weapons".

A 3-year-old girl in North Carolina found a pistol in her car and shot herself in the head on Christmas day, CNN reported earlier. In May 2021, a 3-year-old boy in Florida accidentally found a gun under the sofa cushion and accidentally shot and seriously injured his 2-year-old sister. In April of that year, a 3-year-old boy in Texas accidentally killed his 8-month-old brother playing with a gun at home... Similar things continue to happen in the United States.

According to the website "bring gun safety to every town", the vast majority (about 70%) of children and teenagers in the United States are shot at home, while about 5.4 million children live in homes with at least one loaded or unlocked gun, and more than 80% of children commit suicide with family members' guns. What's more, the suicide rate of children and teenagers using guns has increased by 59% in the past decade.

In addition, accidental shooting accidents caused by incorrect placement and use of guns also occur from time to time. According to statistics, in 2021, there were at least 342 accidental shootings of children in the United States, killing 141 people.

Therefore, the safe storage of guns should not be underestimated. In the United States, ensuring the safe storage of guns can help prevent thieves. If there are children at home, they can also avoid being taken away by them. To this end, most Americans lock their guns in safes, and some people store their guns by customizing hidden cabinets.