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Market prospect of smart home security industry

Views: 2     Author: doris zhang     Publish Time: 2022-03-09      Origin: Site

Market prospect of smart home security industry

Security system is an important part of intelligent residential district. The security system of smart community package is divided into community wide security system and home security system. The competition of security enterprises is also mainly reflected in two categories: security products and system management platform.

With the development of intelligence and new security technologies, the impact of the trend of integrated operation of community security and the inevitable fluctuation of real estate, the development of smart community security deserves more attention. Domestic security enterprises are facing adjustments in the competition. Whether products, platforms, technologies or markets, they will rise and fall together with the new development trend.

Security is an essential part of the smart community and the value of the existence of the smart community. Based on the construction concept of "convenience, benefit, benefit and people-oriented", at present, enterprises in many links of the industrial chain have begun to set foot in and even have begun to layout smart communities. The healthy development of smart community industry in the future is worth looking forward to.
