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More than half of us gun owners fail to store their guns safely
Views: 2 Author: doris zhang Publish Time: 2022-05-10 Origin: Site
According to a new survey of 1444 American gun owners conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health, more than half (54%) of gun owners did not store all their guns safely, US media said.
According to the daily science website of the United States on February 25, the survey is considered to be the first nationally representative sample survey to verify the storage of guns in American families in 15 years. The survey defines safe storage as: all firearms are stored in locked safes, cabinets or boxes, locked on the gun rack, or stored with trigger locks or other locks.
"Family gun ownership increases the risk of homicide, suicide and accidental shooting, but safe storage of all guns reduces these risks. The findings show a real public health emergency," said Cassandra krifasi, an assistant professor at the center for gun policy and research at Johns Hopkins University
The survey also found that about one-third (34%) of these families have children under the age of 18, the report said. Among gun owners with children under the age of 18 at home, 55% claimed to have safely stored all their guns.
Source: Reference News Network
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